The Future of Skills Assessment: AI, Gamification, and Beyond

  Skills assessments, from gamification to AI, the future of learning, the impact of AI in technical skills assessment, and employee assessment, the future is AI-driven.  These are words that perhaps you have come across or seen elsewhere, right? No fuss; we will digest, dissect, and deconstruct the topic in question. Stay with me.  … Continue reading The Future of Skills Assessment: AI, Gamification, and Beyond

Categorized as AI

Fundamentals: Theory of machine learning

Machine learning

Machine learning overview   Technology is evolving day by day leading to a data-driven world. Businesses and organizations are adopting this change by building intelligent systems by using concepts of data science, and machine learning. Among them, machine learning is the most exciting field.   In this tutorial, we’ll learn the basic concepts of machine… Continue reading Fundamentals: Theory of machine learning

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Machine learning vs Deep learning: The difference

Machine learning and deep learning are the two buzzwords in the AI sphere that seem interchangeable to most people. But, that’s not true. However, they carry some similar features because deep learning is a part of machine learning. Let’s understand these terms and their differences.   What is machine learning?   Machine learning is a… Continue reading Machine learning vs Deep learning: The difference